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Canelo, Angel, Kim, Yeon, Park, Jeongmin, and Kim, Anmo J. (2023) eLife 13:RP93487 (Reviewed preprint)

Kim, Hyosun*, Park, Hayun*, Lee, Joowon*, and Kim, Anmo J. (2023) Current Biology. * co-first author

Lisa M. Fenk*, Kim, Anmo J.* and Gaby Maimon. (2021) Current Biology. * co-first author

Kim, Anmo J.*, Lisa M. Fenk*, Cheng Lyu, and Gaby Maimon. (2017) Cell 168(1): 280-294. * co-first author

Kim, Anmo J. (2017) Journal of Neuroscience 37(14): 3738-3740.

Kim, Anmo J.​Jamie K. Fitzgerald, and Gaby Maimon. (2015) Nature neuroscience, 18(9), 1247-1255.

Kim, Anmo J., Aurel A. Lazar, and Yevgeniy B. Slutskiy. (2015) eLIFE 4: e06651.

Kim, Anmo J., & Lazar, A. A. (2012). In Phase response curves in neuroscience (pp. 257-277). Springer New York.

Kim, Anmo J., Aurel A. Lazar, and Yevgeniy B. Slutskiy. (2011) Journal of computational neuroscience 30(2): 143-161.


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the full list of papers and abstracts

Images courtesy of Matthiu Louis (left) and Juergen Berger (right)

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