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The 26th annual meeting of KSBNS 2023

The 26th Annual meeting of the Korean Society for Brain and Neural Sciences took place in Busan. We participated actively in the conference presenting the posters:

"Whole-brain connectome reveals the structural bases of visuomotor processing in Drosophila" - Sung Yong Kim

"Characterizing a candidate neuron for the modulation of visual processing in Drosophila" - Geonil Kim

"Identification and modeling of neural circuits for active noise suppression in Drosophila vision" - Hyosun Kim

"An insect visuomotor-inspired flight control algorithm with an auto-tuned efference copy mechanism" - Angel Canelo

"Temperature-dependent modulation of visual behaviors in Drosophila melanogaster" - Jonathan Madar

"Uncovering novel Drosophila melanogaster flight circuitry between wings, halteres, and brain through analysis of the FANC connectome" - Abraham Panameno

In addition, the poster presented by Abraham received one of the awards to "Best poster presentation".

It was an exciting experience, where we learnt from new findings in neuroscience and got along with many students who work in this field.



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