The Annual meeting of the Korean Drosophila Society took place in Gyeongju. We participated actively in the conference presenting the posters:
"An insect vision inspired flight control algorithm with an auto-tuned efference copy" - Angel Canelo
"Connectome analysis for lateral connectivity across optic glomeruli in drosophila vision" - Sung Yong Kim
"Detection Flies: illicit drug detection system using genetically modified Drosophila" - Yujin Shim, Pasan Sepala
"The role of motion-sensitive visual neurons in object fixation behavior of flying Drosophila" - JoonHu An, Subin Ha, Geonil Kim, HyungWook Kim
"A visuomotor circuit for evasive flight turns in Drosophila" - Hyosun Kim
In addition, the poster presented by Angel received one of the awards to "Best poster presentation".
It was a nice experience, where we got along with many students who work in the Drosophila research field, and found out very interesting research progress.
